Thursday, March 20, 2014

My Two Cents_01

I like to believe that we -- each and every one of us who'd like to make a bigger dent in the challenges we associate with CP and other neurological disorders or conditions -- could be moving a heck of a lot faster and having a far greater impact than we are now. 

The crux of the matter? Our obstacles are enormous but we're relatively "tiny up against them."* 

To me, the key question is: 

Can we become, or behave as if we were, bigger up 
against our challenges? 

I believe we can. 

I actually have something of a game plan that I'd like to share by way of short posts like this one -- at least one per day until the end of (this) National Cerebral Palsy Awareness month.
I've chosen "My Two Cents" for the series title 'cause that's what my ideas-in-isolation would likely bring on the open market. But, if other interested people -- you included -- were to add their two cents to it, who knows? Maybe we could cobble together something truly valuable and find ourselves on the fast track to actually getting somewhere? 

That's my hope. 

My motives, ultimately, are selfish ones. My daughter has CP. Like many of you, I have a very real and insistent stake in what "each and every one of us" is able to accomplish.

*phrase and concept borrowed from Dan Pallotta

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