Monday, July 22, 2013

ROUND TWO: Classified Info (Part B)

With regard to grouping my Twitter "Following"s, I'm coming across organizations that I -- no matter how hard I try -- can't fit neatly into any one of my four main sector-categories. Furthermore, their names all seem to end in words like "alliance" ..."consortium" ..."federation" ...and "council".

Networks are what those organizations are. And when I examine their components I see that they're generally made up of civil society + private + individual + government sector stakeholders. 

So what?

Well, influential author, advisor and strategist Don Tapscott suggests that self-organizing networks will be key in helping us to solve our growing global problems: climate change, conflict, poverty, water scarcity, infectious disease,  economic stagnation -- maybe even CP. 

Mr. Tapscott is leading a study about how these new patterns of connection can fulfill their potential in fixing a broken world. In the course of learning what makes big networks tick, he's determined that they come in nine (9) flavors and that every network represents primarily one of the nine.

Participants in knowledge networks, for example, are in the business of creating knowledge. TED and Wikipedia are two widely known examples. And we have at least one good example of a knowledge network in the CP sphere: 

NeuroDevNet is dedicated to helping children overcome neurodevelopmental disorders. Its mission is to "ensure generated knowledge is translated into tangible diagnostic, preventative, therapeutic, social, economic, and health benefits for all." It does so by working with "partners in academia, the community, not-for-profit sector, industry, and government, and across traditional disciplinary boundaries and sectors."

Going back to my previous post, I guess you could say that visualizing networks -- existing or potential -- is another use for my classification scheme. This graphic below shows some of the NeuroDevNet's general* stakeholder /member types: 

More to come along these lines in Part C.

*Reaching For The Stars (RFTS) is the only specific member I know of to date.

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