I want to head in at least two (2) different directions
from the following jumping off point:
These studies show that a period of intensive therapy (IT) in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy can lead to improvement in a number of disabilities. However, they did not demonstrate that use of the Adeli Suit was helpful. Any effect is likely to be minor.
from a United Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation fact sheet published way back
in November of 2004. Strikes me today as ancient history. I need to get up date and up to speed -- pronto -- about the highlighted part., i.e., about the promise of IT.
I also want to look at leadership in this arena: How's the work being moved along? Who’s tracking the research? Who's keeping interested parties* apprised? I know at one time there was an intensive therapy association. Last time I searched, however, I came away believing it may be defunct. Is that true? If so, how the heck come?
*parents like me, for example
I want to look at how well-founded that '04 conclusion was or is. Has it been further
substantiated? What,
if anything, do we know circa 2012 about the benefits of IT and about passing them on to those kids who most stand to gain?
I also want to look at leadership in this arena: How's the work being moved along? Who’s tracking the research? Who's keeping interested parties* apprised? I know at one time there was an intensive therapy association. Last time I searched, however, I came away believing it may be defunct. Is that true? If so, how the heck come?
*parents like me, for example